The Intersect high-resolution reservoir simulator is the answer to many of your reservoir challenges. By combining physics and performance in a fit-for-purpose reservoir simulator for your reservoir models, the Intersect simulator enables modeling at the scale you need with the physics you need—fast. Reservoir engineers are provided with results that can be trusted to provide insight into understanding the progression of hydrocarbon in the reservoir at a resolution that is otherwise too costly to simulate. The outcome is improved accuracy and efficiency in field development planning and reservoir management, even for the most complex fields. From black oil waterflood models, to thermal SAGD injection schemes, to efficient handling of unstructured grids, the Intersect simulator delivers a new approach to reservoir simulation for meeting your reservoir management challenges. The Intersect simulator reveals new insights through the efficient simulation of high-resolution models while employing robust physics to support better field development decisions. Detailed reservoir characterization, together with well and network coupling, can be honored with only minimal or no upscaling. 

The Intersect simulator supports:

  • Complex geological structures and highly heterogeneous formations
  • Advanced physics for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and CO2 storage modeling and simulation (CCUS)
  • Challenging well and completion configurations
  • Advanced production controls, flexible field management strategies, and reservoir coupling
  • Full extensibility through Python scripting
  • Superior performance—a hardware agnostic simulator with state-of-the-art technologies
  • Rapid simulation of multiple concurrent cases in the cloud using On Demand Reservoir Simulation on Delfi.
Intersect Simulators


Leverage the full potential of the Intersect simulator using the Delfi digital platform to rapidly simulate multiple concurrent cases using Delfi On Demand Reservoir Simulation.

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Top New Features


Decline curve modeling

Decline curve modeling

You can now seamlessly generate decline curves and couple them with reservoir and network models, for faster integrated scenario evaluation.

multiscale sequential gully implicit sfi simulation

Multiscale Sequential Fully Implicit (SFI) Simulation

Multiscale SFI is a novel methodology that enables increased performance and application of fit-for-purpose solvers to tackle challenging reservoir engineering problems.

Solve reservoir engineering problems with embedded machine learning workflows

Machine Learning Enabled Reservoir Simulation

The Intersect simulator has an integrated machine learning framework, allowing the introduction of data-based intelligence into the modeling process. From new physics to faster computations, the possibilities are boundless.

 Water Weakening

Water Weakening

Water-weakening effects are a crucial modeling aspect of chalk reservoirs. A proven, empirical methodology to tackle this is now available through the Intersect high-resolution reservoir simulator.

CO2Storage Physics

CO2 Storage Physics

Reservoir simulation of carbon storage operations requires the correct physics to be represented at the right resolution.

 Harness the power of GPU

Intersect full-GPU simulation

The Intersect simulator fully supports GPU acceleration for both black-oil and compositional simulations. You can speed up your simulations and make better use of your hardware resources.

Next generation CO2 storage modeling and simulation

You can access next generation CO2 storage modeling and simulation capabilities with Petrel subsurface software and Intersect simulator.

  • Leverage our best-in-class high performance simulation solution and model CO2 storage at the scale you need.
  • A wide range of end-to-end integrated storage workflows are supported in the Intersect simulator and the Petrel platform.
  • Workflows aiming for the main trapping mechanisms in both saline aquifers and depleted reservoirs and specialized physics properties including solubility, diffusion and thermal effects are available.

Better simulations: Closing the gap with seamless geomodelling to simulation solutions

The Intersect simulator provides outstanding performance in advanced geomodelling to simulation workflows that enable reservoir engineers to produce comprehensive views of the reservoir behavior. Understand and quantify the geological risk and make the best decisions to ensure profitability of your projects.

Generate multiple geological models and quickly evaluate different field development scenarios harvesting the power of the performance of the Intersect simulator.



Everybody’s in: Real integration from reservoir to processing

Using Intersect Field Management, you can recreate close-to-operations controls of even the most complex fields, for accurately predicting and generating behavior. The module is accessed through IAM (Integrated Asset Modeling), which provides an advanced framework to couple the Intersect simulator to networks, facilities, and processing simulation tools.

Intersect Field Management provides advanced and flexible controls through a close-to-exact representation of the field operations.



The Intersect simulator and Python: A powerful combination

Intersect has advanced Python scripting capabilities, increasing users’ abilities to solve project specific challenges by developing custom made scripts.


You can deploy advanced routines in Python and integrate them into your case in the Intersect simulator to run complex operations as the simulation runs. Simply explore the many different options for solutions in some of the most used Python Libraries, then deploy them with Python to incorporate them into the Intersect simulator.

Keep it real: The Intersect simulator and Depogrid produce reliable result

Depogrid enables geologists and geomodelers to capture all the different unconformities and changes on the structure of the reservoir with high levels of detail. The unstructured nature of the gridding Depogrid models are simulated by the Intersect simulator to capture the effects on fluid flow.

Comparison of pressure drop during the simulation between a pillar grid (left) and Depogrid (right) models

Similar facies distribution but different grid orientation that defines how fluids will flow preferentially. Sequences are defined based on the depositional environment, giving a more geological sense to the final model.
Depogrid models generate consistent and realistic fluid flow along the stratigraphic sequences. Abnormal pressure changes can be seen in the pillar grid model (left) where Depogrid shows a more natural behavior of the pressure.

Find the best well completion: Optimize well completion configurations in one run

The Intersect simulator uses advanced completion optimization (ACO) to ensure the flow control valve (FCV) configuration is always operating at its optimum point. Instead of running different cases with different configurations, different parameters of the FCV are optimized by report step, ensuring specific configuration produces the production performance.


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