New Software Release

Petrel and Studio 2022.2 Now Available

Monday, 03 October 2022

Product overview

The Petrel E&P knowledge platform offers geoscientists and engineers a single platform for collaborative workflows with best-in-class technology and leading innovation. From seismic processing to production, the Petrel platform enables seamless integration across all subsurface domains, helping you to deliver your best field development plan.
Our commitment to technology and quality is one of Schlumberger’s guiding principles. Petrel 2022.2 delivers the latest updates in domain workflows, functionality, and productivity. It also leverages the power of the DELFI cognitive E&P environment’s data ecosystem to bring the latest advances in cognitive technology to your favorite E&P platform—whether you’re working in the DELFI environment or on premise.

Learn more about Petrel and Studio


Release details


Petrel 2022.2 delivers major performance improvements when connecting to Studio E&P knowledge platform and initializing Studio platform tools, as well as when interacting with filters, data tables, and dialog boxes. In addition, when prolonged queries are initiated from the repository data table, navigating to another data tab or swapping between repository filters before the results have been returned will now correctly suspend the query. It will no longer continue to consume SQL Server resources in the background.


Petrel 2022.2 offers further enhancements in the way the movement of composite, arbitrary line, and vertical intersections can be locked or unlocked.

Live Collaboration on seismic horizons, 2D and 3D interpretation, regular surfaces, points, polygons, faults, and fault contacts is now enabled and available on premises. New objects added to a collaboration session or edited while joined to a session are automatically created and updated in other projects joined to the collaboration session.

With QI machine learning, facies can now be predicted from elastic and petrophysical properties. The facies prediction model is trained on well log data and can be applied to well logs and seismic input volumes. 

High-frequency analytical and statistical wavelets with sample rates less than 1 ms can now be generated to use with ultrahigh and high-resolution seismic data. 


Petrel 2022.2 delivers improved performance when displaying and moving many wells and large surfaces in a map window. This applies also when a user is switching between multiresolution and high-resolution surfaces. In the well manager, performance is also improved when large number of checkshots, logs, or both are displayed, as well as for raster digitization process.

Depogrid geometry and properties can now be displayed as background in the well section window through the well section template settings. 

The log editor can now be used under workflow editor, and variables can also be added to more fields within the make edit surfaces process under the workflow editor. 

All the well tops collections can now be displayed in well data browser. The points outside of the filtered area can now be hidden in the histogram window, and the files with ”.DRA” format can be imported into Petrel platform. 


Petrel 2022.2 provides more flexibility when running structural gridding to generate a depogrid. Additional options have been added to limit the grid based on a selection of continuous zones, or the depospace extent, significantly reducing grid size and grid creation time.

Variograms and variogram maps can now be extracted directly from depogrid properties, in addition to the comprehensive geostatistical analysis tools already supported through the data analysis module.

Facies user-defined objects, which were limited to training image grid, can now be used to directly generate facies and training image properties as input for multipoint simulations in any grid. 


Petrel 2022.2 offers great new solutions for making and editing geomechanical grids. When embedding a source grid into a geomechanical grid, it can now directly be coarsened in this process and existing properties are upscaled automatically. Minor geomechanical grid updates now preserve existing grid properties.

Further improvements include a simplified user interface for populating mechanical properties, an option to use a secondary reservoir grid as an input for coupled simulation, a new export feature for simulation results in selected areas of interest, and improved support for Petrel platform workflows. 


Chemical reactions for compositional and thermal fluid in the reservoir can now be modelled in the Make fluid model process. Users can define reactions in one-way or equilibrium form between components in the gas and oil phases and water.

Thermal fluid modeling improvements include visualization of enthalpy and viscosity interpolation method selection.


The Petrel E&P software platform and Studio E&P knowledge platform bring benefits to all geoscientists and engineers, including seismic processors, seismic interpreters, geologists, reservoir modelers, reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, production geologists, and data and information managers. They can be deployed by companies working in exploration, development, and production for either unconventional or conventional reservoirs.